Merry Christmas, fellow Odyssians!

Again, here we are with so little time. I’ve not had time to do anything much related to AIO. But, over Christmas I have had a little more time than usual.

So here’s a couple of things I’ve been listening to and my random thoughts on them.

Where There’s a Will…

I just heard this Barclay episode today. I thought the message was excellent: “Love God, and then do as you please.” This is a thought that has resonated with me a lot this year, so hearing this episode kinda made it come full circle. Also, the scene where the Barclays freak out about cleaning the house for the boss is relatable.

The Reluctant Rival

A Christmas episode that I feel like does not get much credit. Explores the not-often explored character of Jenny Whittaker, and honestly, I now wonder what she’s up to these days. I mean, we got to hear about adult Monty. What about adult Jenny? Anyway, I also enjoyed hearing the violin music throughout. Also cool that this episode has a follow up in the form of “Monty’s Christmas.”

Grandma’s Visit

I would go so far to say that this is one of my favorite episodes. Mainly because I find it very relatable (I suppose that’s kind of a long story). Especially, the opening scene of the Parker kids’ story: “Yeah Mom, nobody’s ever walked under the couch.” And then the bathroom meeting scene. PAHAHA.

Camilla: And I haven’t used the bathroom in a week.

Matthew: And I haven’t — You haven’t used the bathroom in a week, Camilla? Then–

Camilla: You don’t wanna know.

Grandma’s Visit

Yes, families can be crazy. But we love them.

First Love

Fun Fact: I think I had only heard this episode once before this year. But yeah, thanks to the playlists on the Club I came across it again. Also, I’d heard “The Pilot” multiple times before I heard this one so this was like a prequel of sorts. I think this episode was well-done and brings up an important message. I suppose it’s scary that I’m finding these types of episodes more relatable these days. Also, it’s bizarre hearing Steve Burns playing someone in this episode as well, considering he played Mitch later on. Maybe I should have listened to all the AIO episodes in order, then I wouldn’t be so disoriented…

It’s a Pokenberry Christmas

Another Christmas episode that I feel like doesn’t get a lot of press. (do any Christmas episodes get a lot of attention, now that I think about it?) I do like this one a lot. Probably because of my close following of the Barclay family. It’s pretty cool to see how they have settled into their new life. Also cool to see that Stewart actually grew up. And the lines in part 2 about the giant phone book cracked me up.

Thank you for joining me in this holiday-heavy edition of WILT! I hope you had a Merry Christmas. Happy New Year!