Poetry is an interesting area in writing/reading. I have a complicated relationship with poetry; I honestly am unsure how to feel about it. Perhaps I’ll write a post about that at some point. To make it simpler, I’ll just say that I enjoy seeing poetry. Specifically, the poems that the Odyssey fans write. In this post I’ll be compiling some of our favorite Adventures in Odyssey poems.

Jay vs Mrs. K

A submission for the 2018 Clubhouse Magazine’s Members’ Mag, this poem was written by Hope, age 13 at the time, from North Carolina. It is about a showdown that takes place between Mrs. Kramer and Jay Smouse. I really like the story the poem tells; it is just the kind of thing that would happen to Jay. Check out the poem here!

Ode to Oscar

Posted on AIOHQ, this poem was written by Anthony F. Strand. It is a tribute to Oscar Peterson. I really liked this poem because Oscar was a great character and it is sad, as the poem states, that Oscar did not appear more. Check out the poem here!

“Something Old, Something New” Poems

Back in 2012, when the episodes “Something Old, Something New, Parts 1-2” were first released, they were met with mixed reactions by the fans. Understandable, since these episodes from Album 55 were made by the AIO Team to ensure that all the doors were closed for Connie and Mitch. To let the fans know that these two characters would not be getting together. A lot of discussion took place. On the Soda Shop Message Boards, a few members expressed their thoughts in the forms of poetry.

Some were not in favor, as can be seen by the following poem written by Pound Foolish.

Maureen, Maureen, Maureen,
Fell down and burst her spleen
Connie trampled her till she was unfit to be seen
Whit thought it was mean
Mitch was sad but decided Maureen was now has a has-been
Connie’s eyes lit up with a sheen
Poor, poor Maureen, Maureen, Maureen
(But she had it coming, have you seen?)

by Pound Foolish, posted Thursday, July 12, 2012, at 8:44 pm (EST)

Others were in favor, as shown by the following poem written by Doll.

Maureen & Mitch
I hate to snitch,
But I’d be rich
If I had a dime
For everytime
My ears, they hear
Mitch and Connie were dear!
M&C is gone!
M&M is on.
So have one.
And get over it!

by Doll, posted Tuesday, July 17, 2012, at 10:09 pm (EST)

These are included among our favorites, because both are pretty humorous. But also, it is the expression of emotion by the fans who wrote them. The fans, in their writing of poetry, are expressing how they feel about the episodes and the way that they impact the future of the show. The “Something Old, Something New” episodes are no exception. I enjoy these poems because they are fun and reflect some of the thoughts the fans were having at the time they were released.

The Gift

This poem, written by Webmaster, is about the episode “Unto Us a Child Is Born”. I like it because it shows a short poetic form of Eugene and Katrina exchanging gifts. An entirely different perspective from the episode, which I think is unique. Check it out here!

Why do we compile our favorite Odyssey poems? Like I said in the beginning of the post, I am unsure how to feel about poetry. But like I said, I do enjoy seeing it. I know that. Well, I also believe that poetry is a great way to communicate. Some time ago I was studying the writing of Sir Philip Sydney, a fourteenth-century English poet and scholar. In his work “An Apology for Poetry”, he writes many things about the good of poetry. One of the things he writes is that poetry is good to use to appeal to a wide range of people. Poetry can not only tell story but also evoke emotion. These two things, story and emotion, are things that can best be remembered by everyone and are what we remember best when we partake in any media, whether it be movies, video games, comics, or even audio dramas. Not everybody enjoys reading books. But the form of poetry, through the way it is written, can communicate knowledge in a way that anyone can partake in it. There is a good in writing poems. When the Odyssey fans write poetry, they are expressing their love for the show in a form that can be enjoyed by everyone. Perhaps I should start writing poetry. I might be a poet and I don’t even know it. HEY! That rhymed! 😀

Well, that’s all for now. I might update this post with more poetry. Do you have any favorite AIO poems that deserve recognition? Want to send us a poem you’ve written? Feel free to contact us and let us know! Or you can leave a comment! Your engagement and participation and feedback is always appreciated!

Stay tuned for our next posts of 2024!

-Signed, Polehaus53